• Green Urban Developers

    Green Urban Developers

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  • PF homes can be panelized or pre-fabricated.
  • PF homes ship from any port can arrive within 45 days of placing the order
  • PF homes can be “turn-key” assembled in as little as 2-6 weeks
  • PF homes are assembled on-site at a rate three times faster than homes built with concrete and block


  • PF homes can be panelized or pre-fabricated.
  • PF homes ship from any port can arrive within 45 days of placing the order
  • PF homes can be “turn-key” assembled in as little as 2-6 weeks
  • PF homes are assembled on-site at a rate three times faster than homes built with concrete and block


  • PF homes can be panelized or pre-fabricated.
  • PF homes ship from any port can arrive within 45 days of placing the order
  • PF homes can be “turn-key” assembled in as little as 2-6 weeks
  • PF homes are assembled on-site at a rate three times faster than homes built with concrete and block

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